Sunday Brunch Soy Candle brunch3.jpg
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Sunday Brunch Soy Candle

After Midnight Soy Candle midnight3.jpg

After Midnight Soy Candle

Under the Covers Soy Candle covers5.jpg
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Under the Covers Soy Candle

Under the Harvest Moon Soy Candle moon3.jpg

Under the Harvest Moon Soy Candle

“Come Little Leaves,” Said the Wind One Day Soy Candle leaves3.jpg
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“Come Little Leaves,” Said the Wind One Day Soy Candle

That One Sweet Night in Autumn Soy Candle sweet6.jpg
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That One Sweet Night in Autumn Soy Candle

Parfum de Pumpkin Soy Candle pumpkin2.jpg

Parfum de Pumpkin Soy Candle

Hello, World. I'm Your Wild Girl Soy Candle helloworld1.JPG

Hello, World. I'm Your Wild Girl Soy Candle

She Wore A Raspberry Beret Soy Candle raspberryberet1.JPG
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She Wore A Raspberry Beret Soy Candle

She's So Rock Steady Soy Candle rocksteady1.JPG
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She's So Rock Steady Soy Candle

She Rings Like A Bell Through the Night Soy Candle sheringslikeabell1.JPG
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She Rings Like A Bell Through the Night Soy Candle

She's Got Electric Boots, A Mohair Suit Soy Candle shesgotelectric3.JPG
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She's Got Electric Boots, A Mohair Suit Soy Candle

The Girl in the Corner, Let Noone Ignore Her Soy Candle thegirlinthecorner1.JPG
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The Girl in the Corner, Let Noone Ignore Her Soy Candle

the gift box for everyone titles.jpg

the gift box for everyone

An Atlas in my Hands Soy Candle
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An Atlas in my Hands Soy Candle

A Hundred Acre Wood Soy Candle
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A Hundred Acre Wood Soy Candle

Sale Price:$16.00 Original Price:$24.00
The Dreaming Tree Soy Candle
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The Dreaming Tree Soy Candle

Sale Price:$16.00 Original Price:$24.00
Pillow Talk Soy Candle
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Pillow Talk Soy Candle

Weekend Chores Soy Candle
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Weekend Chores Soy Candle

Queen of Hearts Soy Candle
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Queen of Hearts Soy Candle

Sale Price:$16.00 Original Price:$24.00
Toes in the Sand Soy Candle
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Toes in the Sand Soy Candle

Love Potion No. 9 Soy Candle
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Love Potion No. 9 Soy Candle

Lucy in the Sky Soy Candle
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Lucy in the Sky Soy Candle

Sale Price:$16.00 Original Price:$24.00
Flowers in her Hair Soy Candle
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Flowers in her Hair Soy Candle

Sale Price:$16.00 Original Price:$24.00
Mother's Day Gift Box IMG_1383_jpg 2.JPG
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Mother's Day Gift Box

Mini Mother's Day Gift Box IMG_1656.JPG
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Mini Mother's Day Gift Box

You Belong Among the Wildflowers Candle wildflower1.jpg
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You Belong Among the Wildflowers Candle

A Boat out at Sea Candle boat1.jpg
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A Boat out at Sea Candle

free1.jpg free4.jpg
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You Belong Somewhere You Feel Free Candle

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Potty Mouth Candles

Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 9.05.24 AM.png

Steph Wholesale Order

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Potty Mouth Candles Reorder July 20 2021

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Front Porch Swing Soy Candle

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Way Down in Kokomo Soy Candle

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Songs of a Sea Witch Soy Candle

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Shipwrecked in Atlantis Soy Candle

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Toes in the Sand Soy Candle

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Summer 2021 Sampler Pack

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Potty Mouth Candles Reorder August 23 2021


Potty Mouth Candles Reorder September 14

Two Names In a Heart Carved in an Apple Tree Soy Candle midnight1.jpg

Two Names In a Heart Carved in an Apple Tree Soy Candle


Cocoa Candle Order Delivered Oct 4 2021


blonde south hair co candle order

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Potty Mouth Candles November Holiday Order
